Hey there! My name is Brittany and I want to be your guide through this desert of life! That’s right, you heard me. Life is like a hike through a desert. Think about this concept for a second. The desert, doesn’t matter which one, is a vast landscape and from far away it is filled with beautiful scenery, picturesque mountain ranges, and breathtaking sunsets. As you are navigating this desert, as beautiful as it might be, you come to realize that everything is trying to either maim or kill you… what a freakin’ kick in the ass. Amiright? Everything, plants and animals alike, is just trying to survive these extreme conditions life continues to throw at us. My goal is to give you the tools you need to navigate your way through the desert and make your way through each mirage, into that fruitful and lush desert oasis.

That’s where I come in! Over the past 15 years, I have been cultivating strategies that have helped me organize my life in a way that makes sense in my head (ADHD vibes over here) and allowed me to be the best version of myself, for myself, my partner, and my girls!
So who am I?
I am:
- Millennial
- Girl Mom
- Special Needs Mom
- Conservation Nerd
- Avid Reader
- Office Supply Enthusiast
- Caffeine Queen
- Crochet Conniseur
- Planner Junkie
- TOTAL introvert
- Reformed People Pleaser
The list goes on and on!

After being told my entire life to find a way to share my knowledge with the world, I am finally taking a leap of faith and going to attempt to share it with y’all! I am so excited to share my strategies with you! I hope you find them just as useful as I have! If you would like to follow along with my daily life, be sure to follow me on my socials!